Juls WFA Blog
Fishing with Jeff, Trevor, and Steve 6/2/19
by Capt Juls on 06/02/19Today I had a crew from the Columbus, OH area. One which I've had to reschedule two times already, due to weather. Jeff really wanted to get a trip in, so the plan last night was to do a later start, because the forecast was showing strong north winds until around 9am. But, when I got up this morning, it had changed, and the window for light winds was my normal starting time of 5:30 to 9am. They couldn't get here that early, because of the 2+ hour drive from Columbus.
Fishing with Jeff, Greg, and Ryan Whitherd 6/1/19
by Capt Juls on 06/01/19As I write this, a storm is brewing outside my window....again. The sky is darkening, and cracks of thunder can be heard rolling underneath the thick gray clouds to the west in a constant rumble. A lightning bolt flashes and I wonder who is still out on the lake at this moment. The treetops are bending....giving me that telltale sign that the lake can become dangerous in very short order. I hope everyone makes it off the lake safely this afternoon.
Fishing with Mike, Paul, and Fred 5/31/19
by Capt Juls on 05/31/19My alarm woke me out of a deep sleep at 2:45, and I wanted to smash it, but instead, I slid out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee. It was hot and delicious, so I took it out on the back deck to check the weather this morning.
Fishing with Doug and Nathan Jackson 5/29/19
by Capt Juls on 05/29/19Today was the first of a two-day trip for the father and son team of Doug and Nathan Jackson. The weather forecast was iffy with the chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms, with an east wind to start and then switching from the North.
Fishing with the Lickfelt Family 5/28/19
by Capt Juls on 05/28/19I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Weekend and took a moment to remember our service men and woman who have sacrificed some or all for the freedom to live our lives with the freedom to choose our own paths. Thank you, to all of you who have, and have had, the courage to protect us from those who would harm us.
Fishing with Tim McGlothlin 5/24/19
by Capt Juls on 05/24/19Left the house this morning at 4:30 as quietly as I could, as my house guest was still sleeping. I headed to the gas station in town to gas up the boat before going to pick Tim up at the place he's renting for the weekend.
Fishing with Eric, Joe, and Bill 5/22/19
by Capt Juls on 05/22/19Short and sweet tonight....had a late start this morning and launched out of Catawba at 10am....hit Clinton Reef with Bandits 35-50 back at 1.8 mph.
Fishing with Mike, Huey, and Josh 5/21/19
by Capt Juls on 05/21/19I have a house guest this week, so I'm totally out of my routine. He's sleeping on my pullout couch, so I don't have access to my computer, kitchen, and lights on this end of the house in the mornings, because I do not want to wake him.
Fishing with Dan and Carol Emmer 5/16-17/19
by Capt Juls on 05/17/19This morning was a startling start to the day when my 16 year old Lab pawed at my bedside, so I would get up and feed her. It wasn't long until I realized that I had obviously overslept and she was hungry! But, that also meant I was running late. Looking at the time, I panicked, because it was 4:36, and that's the time I usually leave the house...not get up.
SATURDAY East winds 10 to 15 knots. A chance of showers early. Waves 1 to 3 feet.
Fishing with Dee, Dan, and Steve 5/14/19
by Capt Juls on 05/14/19The northwest wind was making the lake a bit rough this morning, so I had a plan to launch around 9am.
Fishing with Justin 5/5/19
by Capt Juls on 05/05/19It was a quiet morning when I stepped out on the back deck with my cup of coffee at 3am. I was disappointed to find that the sky was still cloudy and the air felt damp. I'm trying to wait as patiently as I can for dry warm weather, but it's getting harder every day.
Fishing with Bob ad Justin 5/2 thru 5/4-2019
by Capt Juls on 05/04/19Sorry, it's been a week since I last blogged about a trip, but with the weather we've had this past week, it wasn't conducive to a good time. ;)
Fishing with Mark and Dick Aker 4/25/19
by Capt Juls on 04/25/19I was scheduled to pick my crew up at 5:30 this morning, and I was hoping the rain would stop before I had to pull the boat out into the elements... luckily, it did.
Fishing with Marc and Kevin 4/24/19
by Capt Juls on 04/24/19Well, yesterday, I made an attempt to go out with Frank Smith and his buddy...ummm...oh heck...I can't remember his name now...nice guy though. The wind forecast was for gusty south winds and a "chance" for thunderstorms. Well, at breakfast when I checked the radar there was nothing in sight all the way back to Wisconsin, so I thought we would be spared any "chances".
Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 4/22/19
by Capt Juls on 04/23/19Quick recap: Met my crew at Mazurik's at 7am and we headed north to find clean water. There is cleaner water between the islands right now, and a good school of fish, but I kept going north to where I was on Sunday....which was over the line, on the Canadian side, and to even better looking water clarity. No one is up there, so we had the place to ourselves the entire time. :)
Rabbits and Walleye....Happy Easter! 4/21/19
by Capt Juls on 04/22/19My regularly scheduled trip was rescheduled for an uncontrolled reason...no need to go into that, so after not planning on going out this morning, I changed my mind and decided to make a phone call to some friends who were game to go too.
Fishing with Rob and Doug 4/16/19
by Capt Juls on 04/17/19Left the house at 5:55am and got to the White Caps Motel a little early...15 minutes early, so I waited on my crew who showed up right on time at 6:15. We made our introductions and loaded into the old excursion to head into town. I needed to stop and top off the gas in the Ranger, and then hit Rickard's Bait for some ice and a couple dozen crawlers.
Can You Say, "Chocolate Milk"? ...4/15/19
by Capt Juls on 04/15/19Hi everyone,
Fishing with Daren and Aidan Cable 4/7/19
by Capt Juls on 04/07/19My crew was meeting me at my house at 6:30 this morning, and as usual, I was dressed and ready to go WAY before I needed to be, so I took that hour to go into town and gas up the Ranger and stop off at Rickard's Bait to buy a few more Bandits. The Buck Fever color, which is a purple back and a chrome belly, has been hot for me all spring, so of course, I needed more. lol
Fishing with Neal, Dave, and Luke 4/6/19
by Capt Juls on 04/06/19I left the house at 5:45 and swung by the White Caps Motel to pick up my crew at 6am for breakfast, before heading back to the Portage River Fishing Access ramp next to their motel, to launch.