Juls WFA Blog
 Call Capt Juls: 419-835-7347
Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures
Lake Erie Walleye-Perch Fishing Charters-Running 7 days a week!
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Juls WFA Blog

Maiden Voyage Planned for Sunday 3/17/13

by Capt Juls on 03/14/13

The sun is shining today and I am getting excited to get on the water this coming Sunday. The winds are predicted to be less than 10 out of the north, which isn't the best after a big blow out of the NW, but we'll give it a whirl. 

The water is a bit muddy, but there will be some clean water in different areas around the Western Basin. 
I'm hoping to see a satellite picture this afternoon, if the clouds stay away long enough for a picture to be produced. That will tell us where the best place to start fishing is.
We will be looking for the mixing water that is not to clean and not too dirty. The dirtier the water the more lockjaw the fish will tend to have.
The mixing water will be warmer than the clean water and will be holding the most active fish, or at least that is the rule of thumb we go by. While there will be fish caught jigging on the reefs, we are planning on running cranks off of Off Shore Tackle's in line planer boards to search out the big females who are staging outside of the reefs, and will venture onto them when the water is a bit warmer (42-46*). 
The females will be greeted by the male of the species that anxiously await their arrival. The males will beat them up with their tales to make the females drop their precious cargo (eggs). 
We can only hope for a good spawn this spring, as last year's was just over a normal spawn average, and while that is good, it doesn't load the lake up with big populations like we have had in the past. 
Momma Nature needs to give us a break for a change...:)
So, keep your fingers crossed for clear skies this afternoon and decent weather on Sunday. 
I'll report back with a fishing report Sunday night...good or bad.

Capt Juls

The Days Are Getting Warmer!

by Capt Juls on 03/07/13

It's March 7th, 2013.... there is still some ice along the southern shores of Lake Erie. Ice is blocking the channel between the mainland and the Bass Islands too, but the lake is pretty much opened up to the west, north, and east. 

The weather this weekend is supposed to warm up into the high 40's and low 50's. A good south wind is expected on Sunday and will help push that ice out, and help start opening up some ramps around here. 
I received a message the other day that they are already starting to fish on the very western end of the lake where it is ice free now, and they are catching fish.
It won't be long until we can start posting some fishing reports here, so stay tuned!

She's Ready to Catch Some Fish!

by Capt Juls on 02/25/13

Well, the boat is rigged and ready to fish thanks to the help of my friend, Scott Bogen, who whipped my boat into shape with the plethora of new toys that needed to be installed.

There are still a few items that need to be installed yet, but as far as being able to efficiently catch fish, she's ready to go.

I still need to add the tracks for the Bert's Trolling Trees, and the tracks and power ports for the Cannon Down Riggers, but it won't be long until that is all done too.

It was a beautiful day today, and the sun was shining warmly on my skin while I puttered around and did some odds and ends in the boat..  Tomorrow, we are expecting a mix of rain turning to snow with a total accumulation of 6 inches by Thursday....sigh. I'm so ready to be done with winter now. Ya hear that Momma Nature? I'm done with it already!! 

Come on Spring!!! :)

The Boat is Home...:)

by Capt Juls on 02/17/13

I picked up my boat from Vic's Sport Center a couple of days ago, and sure enough, it has snowed (flurries) every day since then.  The ice on the lake is still out there. Today's temps are only in the 20's, but tomorrow it warms to a whopping 43 degrees.  A friend of mine said, "We'll be fishing in two weeks". I hope he's right, but first I have the rest of the boat rigging to take care of, so I need it to warm up quick! 

Two More Days!

by Capt Juls on 02/13/13

The time is near.....I get to pick up my new Ranger 621 on Friday! The new Terrova 101 with iPilot LINK was delivered by my friendly Fed-X driver yesterday too. 

My spare bedroom is packed full of new toys to install on the boat, and I'm looking forward to getting it all out of there very soon, so I can open the door up again. I have to keep it closed, due to the  new four legged addition in the house that likes to find things to chew on. :)
The one "toy" that has my curiosity up the most is the Cannon Digi-Troll 10 downriggers. I have never used them before, so it's going to be a learning experience this year. And, I plan to put that experience...from the install, learning to run them, and catching fish on them, in this blog to help others who have never run them either learn to do so, or at the very least, help give them confidence to do so. Because, if I can do it, anyone can! :)
Stay tuned.... 

Spring Can't Come Soon Enough!

by Capt Juls on 01/29/13

It's January 29th and it's 50+ degrees out. It feels like spring, but there's still a few months to go.

The good news is, my new Ranger boat is at Vic's Sports Center, but there to, I will have to wait to pick her up until their boat shows are over with for the season. They are so busy right now I do not want to bother them. Besides, I can wait a little longer to get her.
With the warmer weather, it has inspired me to get a blog going for this season. 
I plan is to make it like a diary with experiences from each of my guiding trips. The hard part will be doing it in a timely fashion, as often times I am working my regular job at night and there's not much time in between a day trip and my night job. :)
Bear with me, and if you have any suggestions to help make my business an even better experience, please share your thoughts here. 
Thanks and I look forward to fishing with you this season!
Captain Juls