Sunday June 23rd Fishing Report
by Capt Juls on 06/24/13(Due to heat exhaustion, I am writing this the day after the fishing trip)
Tracy and Robin Patterson gave me a call on Friday night to set up a fishing trip for yesterday (Sunday). I was looking forward to this trip, since I have been friends with Tracy for right around 14 years and his new bride for 1 year. They fished with me last year on a foggy, east wind, dreary day where we only caught a couple fish.
Yesterday, however, was a different story. The weather was very warm, No, actually hot, with very little wind to speak of, and the sun was shining.
We started out on the SE corner of Kelly's in about 30-32 foot of water and proceeded to start catching fish right away. Some were walleye and some were junk fish, but there was action. We designated Robin as the person to do most of the reeling, while Tracy and I did all the work, so she could have some fun. She's doesn't have much experience when it comes to fishing, so we wanted her to get some time in behind the reel...:)
We made one pass there and caught two and lost 4. We decided not to make another pass through there as the weekend perch flotilla was out in force over there and would make navigating a trolling pass a pain in the butt.
We moved up to the "old C Can" area about 6 miles east of Middle Island up on the Canadian line and set up another pass. Two fish caught out there, but I wasn't seeing the marks on the Humminbird like I wanted, so when I asked if they wanted to go back down to the first area or find another area, I got the usual answer of, "You're the Captain, it's your boat, whatever you want to do". Okay, fine. Let's go.
I took them over to the area on the west side of North Bass Island and north of West Reef, and proceeded to set up a trolling pass. We were seeing nice marks on the 1198 this time and they turned out to be some nice eater sized walleye in the 16-24 inch class. Yummy! :)
We finished out their limit and started to get into mine when we ran out of time. I really need to put a doggy door in once my dog yard fence is up, so they can get out to go potty on their own. We would have stayed out a little longer to fill my ticket if it weren't for the dogs needing out and the black flies that were starting to devour our legs. They loved Tracy's legs and actually drew blood on him several times! Ouch!
Same program as the past few weeks....double willow leaf harnesses pulled at 1.6-1.7, but this time the hot color was the black and gold combo. The pinks did well also, but they really liked the natural colors yesterday a little more.
Headed back out again today and tomorrow. I think we're heading to Canada with this bunch though...they're looking for a little bigger fish to brag about. :)
Capt Juls
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