It's been a Long Holiday Week! : Juls WFA Blog
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It's been a Long Holiday Week!

by Capt Juls on 07/07/13

I had a trip with one of my previous customers, Jerry Cohen, on Wednesday July 3rd. He brought his parents with him for this trip.

The weather was really nice, but there were still NE rollers coming in, resulting from the blow we had for two days before.

We launched out of Mazurik's and headed east since I had received a report from a friend telling of a good bite with big fish on the north side of the Huron dumping grounds. We headed that way, but with the rollers, and having elderly folks on board, I took it slow. We were watching the H'Bird on the way out and it was showing good marks about 1/2 way to our destination, so we decided to put the lines in the water and see if we could get one to eat. They didn't.  It was too muddy inside where we were. So, we turned the boat and trolled out to cleaner water to the north. 

We were still marking fish, so I didn't want to leave fish to go find fish. We just had to try and make them bite. We couldn't. They had lockjaw that morning. The chatter on the radio confirmed it.  

So, after three hours, Jerry's Mom needed to use the ladies' room and was getting uncomfortable in the hot sunshine, so it was decided that we would just call it a day and they would go do something else the rest of the day.

It was still an enjoyable time listening to them talk about family and jobs and what they planned to do for the rest of the holiday week.

Thanks Jerry! Hopefully, next time it will be more productive. :)

Capt Juls

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