Strangest thing happened 8/8/13 : Juls WFA Blog
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Strangest thing happened 8/8/13

by Capt Juls on 08/10/13

This was a first for me...

I got up at 5am and after coffee, a bite to eat, and a shower, I readied the boat for an 8am launch at Mazurik's. 

I stopped and picked up minnows for a 4 hour perch trip with a couple and their two young daughters.

They were from Wisconsin and staying in Lakeside for a couple weeks. 

I showed up early and waited....

And, waited......

And waited.......they were a no show.  I've never had that happen before. Everyone has always been at least 15 minutes early from their expected arrival time. 

I texted him and asked if he had forgotten, but there was no reply.

I texted him and told him if they wanted to reschedule to Monday that that would be fine, but he would have to call me or confirm it asap, but there was no reply.

In the meantime, someone else called and put a deposit down on Monday for a trip with his young son. So, since they never replied, I had to let Monday go to the new customer.

And, this is why I take a deposit up front. No exceptions.
When talking to this guy, there was no indication that he wouldn't have shown up. 

I am wondering now if something terrible happened.

I hope not.

Anyway, it gave me time to go home and pull a toxic bush out of my dog yard that Dexter was starting to chew on.  It was a lovely Rhododendron, but he's more important than the bush. My neighbor, Jerry, now has it in his yard. I hope it survives. It's a pretty bush. :)

Capt Juls

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