4 hour Perch Trip yesterday : Juls WFA Blog
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Lake Erie Walleye-Perch Fishing Charters-Running 7 days a week!
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4 hour Perch Trip yesterday

by Capt Juls on 08/10/13

Long story short...

I was going to launch at Mazurik's, and go searching for some perch, but at the last minute I got a report of a decent perch bite over by the green can just out of Catawba State Park launch.

So, since both myself and my customers were 20 minutes early to Mazurik's, I had them follow me over to the ramp at Catawba. It took us a whole whopping two minutes to find a spot and set up to start catching.

The bite was slow to steady to start with, then picked up a bit, and then died off at the 3 hour mark. Then, it was slow for a half hour and picked up again for the last half hour of our 4 hour trip.

We ended up with a three man limit of 90 perch that went 24 pounds (so, not real big fish, but great eating fish none the less).

Today's charter was cancelled due to a death in the customer's family. I will be out fishing with a friend tomorrow, so I'll post a report then. I'm hoping to get over to Canada tomorrow, but I may go West since I have two charters early in the week and they do not have Canadian licenses.  I have heard good reports of both walleye and perch over there, so I want to check it out. I'll keep you posted...:)

Capt Juls

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