Is It Spring Yet??? I'm Bored Out of My Mind! : Juls WFA Blog
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Is It Spring Yet??? I'm Bored Out of My Mind!

by Capt Juls on 12/04/15

This time of year is very hard for me.  My 2015 Ranger went to its new home back in November, and I have been without a boat since. I'm seriously going through fishing withdrawals.

My 2016 Ranger goes into production after Ranger's Christmas shutdown, so it won't be long before she is built. Woot! Woot!

I'm counting down the days until my first trip, and it can't come soon enough!

April and May dates are filling up fast, so if you want to get in on some trophy Lake Erie Walleye action, don't hesitate to book your trip. It's still pretty cold in April, so dress for the weather.  While it can be 60-70 degrees on shore on some fortunate days, the temperature on the water is still in the high 30's to low 40's, due to the water temperature.

The dates I have left available in April are:
3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 25, 26, & 27.

The dates I have left available in May are:
3, 4, 5, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, & 31.

That's not to say that the trophy walleye fishing ends at the end of May. It doesn't. They are just no longer grouped up in the Western Basin in thick schools, where they spawn.  
The fishing in June and July is pretty fantastic too, and the weather is more stable and a lot warmer. So, if you're not into fishing when it's cold out, but still want to catch big fish, June and July are the better choice for you.  
We often travel up into Canadian waters, if the bite warrants it, so a Canadian license would be needed, and can be bought online, with a one day option. 
However, know that you can buy a license, but when I call in to Canada to get permission to enter their waters, if you have any felonies on your record, they can turn us away. So, being given a license to fish up there doesn't mean they will give permission to let you fish up there.  If that's the case, just let me know in advance, so I can make other plans on where to fish for the day. :)

It's not even Christmas yet, and I'm already planning trips in my

Deep sigh.....

I wish you all the very Merriest of Christmas's, or Holidays, and a Happy New Year!

See you in the Spring....

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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