Another Season Comes to an End... : Juls WFA Blog
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Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures
Lake Erie Walleye-Perch Fishing Charters-Running 7 days a week!
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Another Season Comes to an End...

by Capt Juls on 11/06/15

Good morning....just a few thoughts....

 It was a strange season, wrought with some bad weather sprinkled throughout, that had me scrambling to reschedule trips, but over was a good season. :)

I would like to thank all my customers, both new and old, who made my season a fun one! We caught a lot of walleye and perch, and had a lot of laughs, and I'm already looking forward to next season.

My 2015 Ranger has gone on to her new home now, and the 2016 Ranger/Evinrude has been ordered for next season. Now, the hard part...waiting until spring!

I want to thank all my sponsors who have stuck with me throughout the past 15 years, and made my "life" possible, because without them, I couldn't do what I do!
Thank you Vic's Sports Center, Ranger Boats, Evinrude, Minn-Kota, Humminbird, Off Shore Tackle, EZSteps, RS Nets, World Wide Marine Ins., Costa Sunglasses, and the Jewelry Mechanic....your quality products make my job a very enjoyable experience!

I depend on all my equipment in order to do my job and keep my customers safe. Nothing gives me the confidence to do that like my sponsor's products do.  So, I really can't thank them enough for what they do to make the fishing experience an exceptional one, not only for myself, but for my customers too.  If I had a dollar for every positive comment made from people in my boat, I would be a rich woman!  Ha! :)

While my season is over, I am still getting out fishing with friends, at least for another week, because I will be starting back at the local animal shelter next Friday, to help them for the next 4 months.

I'll also be renewing my Captain's license over the winter, because it's due for renewal in August, but I don't want to be messing with that while trying to run the business next season, so I'll get it done over the winter.  I can't believe it's already going on 5 years. It's true what they say, "time sure flies when you're having fun"!

Another thing I have to get straightened out is...
I bought a new MAC computer and now it loads all my photos sideways to this site, so I have to find out how to prevent that before next season starts, because you all know how I like my pictures!

So, until next season.....I wish everyone a safe and wonderful winter season!

I'll see you in the spring!

Capt Juls

Comments (1)

1. fishinnotcatchin said on 11/10/15 - 05:42PM
Hey Capt Juls! Wanted to say THANKS for sharing your pics and adventures with everyone.I always enjoy reading them! As for me,a good year of fishing and a GR8 time with friends at camp!!I certainly will never forget about being up there during the BIG storm WOW!!Will you be going to Meta Lake next year?Take care,until next season.

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