Wednesday's Trip has been rescheduled now too... : Juls WFA Blog
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Wednesday's Trip has been rescheduled now too...

by Capt Juls on 06/24/14

I was supposed to have a short 4 hour trip tomorrow (Wednesday 6/23) with a father and young son, but after today's thunderstorms, and a chance for more storms tomorrow, he contacted me and asked if they could reschedule.

So, It looks like I have another day off to get more stuff done at home. My dogs will be happy about that. :)

I also have to tie up some more crawler harnesses, since this past week was a crawler harnesses destroying mission. lol

The next trip is Thursday...stay tuned!

Capt Juls

Comments (2)

1. NUF said on 6/25/14 - 06:21AM
I hear you about the crawler harnesses Juls.I think this winter I will make up like 100 of them that should last me the first week of the season! LOL
2. Fishinnotcatchin said on 6/25/14 - 03:32PM
Hey Capt Juls!Since u have a little free time(lol).I have a couple ?s,if u dont mind.What are ur favorite months to perch fish?Can u catch the same quality perch on the U.S. side,as I have heard about the jumbos around Pelee Island? Thanks.Good luck on ur next adventure!!!

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