Two More Days!
by Capt Juls on 02/13/13The time is near.....I get to pick up my new Ranger 621 on Friday! The new Terrova 101 with iPilot LINK was delivered by my friendly Fed-X driver yesterday too.
My spare bedroom is packed full of new toys to install on the boat, and I'm looking forward to getting it all out of there very soon, so I can open the door up again. I have to keep it closed, due to the new four legged addition in the house that likes to find things to chew on. :)
The one "toy" that has my curiosity up the most is the Cannon Digi-Troll 10 downriggers. I have never used them before, so it's going to be a learning experience this year. And, I plan to put that experience...from the install, learning to run them, and catching fish on them, in this blog to help others who have never run them either learn to do so, or at the very least, help give them confidence to do so. Because, if I can do it, anyone can! :)
Stay tuned....
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