The Perch bite is starting... : Juls WFA Blog
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The Perch bite is starting...

by Capt Juls on 07/23/16

I realize that I haven't blogged for two weeks now, but with this super hot weather we've been having, when I do get out....I have been pretty wore out by the time I get off the water, boat taken care of, and all the errands done before bed. I look at the computer, and just say, "No, not tonight". I apologize for that, but when the mind says, "Yes", but the body says, "No" can guess which one wins. ;)

Anyway, the perch are starting to bite in the western basin. We have been getting decent hauls of "eater sized" perch that are in that 7-9 inch range, and it should just keep getting better and better from here on out...woot! woot!

Lots of little walleye are being caught while perch fishing too, so the future of this amazing fishery is looking very bright. 

The temperature is usually just a tad cooler out there on the water, than it is on shore, so beat the heat by getting out on the lake to catch some perch for your Friday fish fries! It's a win-win for everyone. :)

I have another perch trip in the morning, so maybe I'll see you out there!

Oh, and just a FYI:  I still have openings for walleye, perch, and smallmouth trips towards the end of this week, the last two weeks of August, and some open days in each week in September. October is a possibility, but we'll see what the weather does this wasn't so kind last season, so Oct is a "wait and see" deal.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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