Perch'n with Don and Bob Rupp 9/27/14 : Juls WFA Blog
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Perch'n with Don and Bob Rupp 9/27/14

by Capt Juls on 09/27/14

I have to keep this short tonight, because I got home late this afternoon, cleaned the boat, and I still have to exercise the very patient dogs before hitting the hay.

We caught 88 perch today on the NE corner of Gull. A nice grade of fish. Average amount of whites and sheep mixed in too. No cats today. Weather was perfect, other than an ENE wind (I like south winds), but it was comfortable, sunny, and fun!

Tomorrow is another 8 hour trip with these two gentlemen, but we'll be going out of Huron in search of the elusive walleye. Fingers crossed!!!

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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