Perch'n Day Two with Bob and Bruce 9/22/2020 : Juls WFA Blog
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Perch'n Day Two with Bob and Bruce 9/22/2020

by Capt Juls on 09/22/20

Hit A&J Bait again this morning, but this time he was open and ready to serve minnows at 6am. :)

The ratio of Emeralds to Goldies there is still 3:1 and a good size on both species.

Since the bait shop was open on time, we were able to get on the water 20 minutes earlier than yesterday and it paid off. The bite, while the sky was getting lighter, was much better than when the sun got higher. 

Yesterday, the better hours were between 8 and 10am, but it was better from 6:45 to 8:30 this morning.  I also noticed that yesterday and early this morning, that while there was a surface current from the SSW to the NNE,  there was an undercurrent running from the NE to the SW. Later on, it calmed down in that spot. I think that the current was helping us by keeping fish there. Once the current stopped, or moved away from us, the fish moved too.

We went through about 5 Gobies to one perch, but the perch were nice ones, so we stuck it out and finished with 89 of our 90 today. We would have had them all, but a few shook loose from the hook before they made it over the gunnel.  

I think the Emeralds made a difference too. The catch rate slowed down after we ran out of them and had to use only Goldies. But, I think it was a combination of circumstances that led to a slow bite and not just because we only had Goldies. We still caught with them, and they were nice fish, but the Emeralds definitely did a quicker job of it, as the perch would usually slam them pretty hard compared to the Goldies.


With the Ulterra's Spot-Lock feature, we were able to set up and sit in the exact same spot we were in yesterday, but I don't think we will be there tomorrow. We might start there, but I have a feeling those fish have moved out with the current and we'll have to go looking for them again. I don't want to leave it, as it's a great little rock pile.  I put a waypoint there though, so I'll be able to find it again in the future, if I need it. :)

Bob and Bruce are great fun to fish with, and they are happy with their two days of perch fishing so far. We still have two more days to go... I just hope the next two days are as productive. At least they know how to perch fish, and are very good at it, so that makes me happy! :)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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