Perch'n 6/29/14 with Jim Gammons and Chris and Kristi Claybaugh : Juls WFA Blog
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Perch'n 6/29/14 with Jim Gammons and Chris and Kristi Claybaugh

by Capt Juls on 06/29/14

I had planned on meeting my crew at Catawba this morning, but with the SSW winds blowing waves into the ramp, I thought it would be better to use Mazurik's, so there was no chance of scratching the boat on the dock or the wall at Catawba. (Yes, I'm that anal about it!)

They agreed to meet me at Mazurik's instead. :)

I got there early, since I wanted to spray wax and wipe the boat down before the customers arrived, because I didn't get to it the night before.  As I was working, someone pulled up and I hear a familiar voice say, "I arrived at Mazurik's at 5:45....still waiting on my crew"  A friend of mine, John Gremore, was mimicking my articles...with a smile.

Just about the time I finished cleaning the boat, Jim arrived and we waited for Chris and Kristi, who showed up about 10 minutes later. We hit the water at 7am and headed out to do some perch fishing.

I hadn't been in a while, and could only guess on where to go, since no one had a good report for me at the baitshops or on the marine radio...sigh.
I headed to the area between Sugar Island and North Bass, where I had seen some good marks that looked like perch on the sonar a few days before.
We caught a few there, but it was mostly sheephead and white perch.

We moved over  the red channel marker on the north side of North Bass and tried it again. This time there were some yellow perch, and bigger ones too, but it was slow. Not a lot of junk fish up there either.  

After another move over to the green can at Lucy's Point, we set up in 41 foot of water off the can and proceeded to catch more yellows. But, just when we would think they were going to turn on and get to the "up and down" stage...they stopped biting. Then, they would show up again...then, stop again.  Very frustrating...grrrrr

We ended up with 60...a mixed bag of little ones and really nice ones. But, they will have some nice fish fries with those fish. Just wish we could have found a big enough school to hit the 120 count. Oh well, it was still a fabulous day on the water with really fun people, so it was a successful day in my book.
We made it in just before the rain too!
This crew will be back out with me on Thursday for a walleye trip, so I'm really looking forward to that. :)

Tomorrow, it's back to walleye fishing with some repeat customers from last year. They scheduled Monday and Tuesday, but I'm not so sure the forecast for Tuesday will let us fish, or not. 

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Comments (2)

1. Rich Dodd said on 6/30/14 - 05:13PM
Fishing 3 miles due North out of Huron today. 8 Nice 26 to 30 inch walleyes so far.
2. Capt Juls said on 6/30/14 - 05:31PM
Thanks for the info. I might go there on Wednesday or Thursday. :)

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