Only 45 More Days Until Spring! : Juls WFA Blog
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Only 45 More Days Until Spring!

by Capt Juls on 02/02/14

January is past us and we're into February...finally! One month closer to spring!

The anticipation of getting the new boat is building, but it's completion date isn't set until March 17th...sigh.

Charters are being reserved already, and April is the target start for my services.

I am really looking forward to seeing and fishing with old friends I've made over the past couple of years, and to the new friends I haven't fished with yet.

I'm hoping Mother Nature is kind to us this year and we get all of our trips in. Hopefully, the old saying is correct, "In like a lion out like a lamb" will ring true.

This would allow Lake Erie's walleye to have a banner spawn like we had in 2003.

I've heard two different statistics for what the 2013 hatch did, and one says it was just above average, and the other states that it was better than the 2003. I tend to believe it was just above average, but I certainly wouldn't be disappointed if it were the later. :)

Only 45 more days to spring everyone! Don't let all this cold and snow bring you down...think spring!

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday and be safe....Go Broncos! lol

Capt Juls

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