Mother Nature is throwing a Hissy Fit...
by Capt Juls on 04/04/16Just an update....My weekend trips were rescheduled, thus no reports.
My crew for today, are going to Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, because it's blowing hard out of the north this morning, and it's too rough. They do want to go tomorrow though, even though I told them that the western basin is like chocolate milk right now. But, the winds will be laying down mid morning tomorrow, making it possible to get out, so we'll go try to find some cleaner water and see if there are any fish in that area. I'm not holding my breath on finding a good bite though, but you never know....we might get lucky and pluck a few here and there.
My Wednesday trip has been cancelled, due to a family thing my customer has, but it's going to rain and blow again anyway, so either way, we wouldn't have been fishing on Wednesday.
My Thursday, Friday, Saturday crew has rescheduled to April of 2017, due to the forecast and the unfavorable conditions. They were coming from South Dakota, and it's too long, and expensive of a trip, to come out for really no good chance at fishing. These poor guys had booked last April too, and did drive out here last year, only to find out that they couldn't get on the water. I didn't want them to do that again, so they agreed to try again next April (a little later in the month next time too). I hate giving bad news like this, but I don't want them wasting time or money on a bad trip.
So, I'm hoping Mother Nature gets this crap out of her system by Saturday, so we can get back to fishing again next week!! I'm becoming bored out of my mind sitting here on shore....deep sigh.
Sunday is looking promising....partly cloudy and 50 degrees. So, hopefully, I can get my Sunday/Monday crew out and on some fish. Fingers crossed!
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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