Fishing with Walleye Weiss, Jim, and Jack 9/6-8/17 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Walleye Weiss, Jim, and Jack 9/6-8/17

by Capt Juls on 09/06/17

Today, was day one of the three day trip, for the Wisconsin crew consisting of a fella that goes by the nickname, "Walleye" (and, I'm still unclear of his real name!) and his two friends, Jim and Jack. All three hail from someplace close to "Packer Land", or the "Frozen Tundra". 

After I stopped to gas up the boat, I hit Hi Way Bait for some minnows and ice. I met them over at Big Bopper's for breakfast at 5:45, and chatted with them while they ate. I had made some breakfast at home before heading out, so I wasn't hungry.

We headed over to Mazurik's after breakfast, and launched by 6:45. We headed back up to where I was the day before, and set up in the exact same spot...give or take a few feet. They started pulling fish before I even had a line in the water, so that made me happy. I was afraid that bright full moon last night, or the cold temps that came in, might shut them down some, but they bit pretty aggressively today.

They do seem to prefer the emeralds to the goldies, but the goldies work if they are tiny ones, or they are cut in half. So, don't fret if you don't have any emeralds...the goldies WILL work! :)

We were the first ones out there this morning, but it didn't take long for a pack to form around us. We watched a beautiful sunrise this morning, with the chill in the air, the dark clouds made it feel like a crisp fall morning.  There were several waterspouts on the eastern horizon as the rain moved from the WNW to the ESE. It was pretty cool to see too. Many times there were more than on spout touching down at the same time. And, it looked like a couple of them got pretty a "miles wide" kind of "wide", but luckily they were far away from us, so there was nothing to worry about. The sky to the west of us was not threatening at all.

We plucked 120 wiggly perch from 37 foot of water and headed back with everyone smiling, and saying how much fun it was this morning.  They enjoyed my brownies, and my selection of songs on my playlist, and said they would pay just to sit out there and listen to that all morning. lol  So, that made me happy too....:)

We will be at it again tomorrow, but the winds will be a little stronger than they were today.  The winds today were only 8-10mph out of the W-NW creating waves that were less than 2 feet.  Tomorrow's forecast is for 5-15 out of the W, so we should expect to see 2-3's in most places when it hits 15mph, like it did yesterday.

See you out there safe! Water temps are starting to go down again. It's at 68 right now.

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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