Fishing with the Novacek's 8/15/14
by Capt Juls on 08/15/14
Yesterday was a blow day....told my crew to hold off driving in by one day.
Since they couldn't get into their hotel yet, and nothing was open, I told them I would have breakfast waiting for them. We had scrambled eggs, fried taters, bacon, and toast.
After everyone was fed and the dishes were done, we waited for it to start getting lighter out. We stopped for gas, ice, and minnows at Hi Way Bait before heading to Mazurik's to launch.
We launched at 6:30 and headed to the area up on the line between Middle and Gull to look for some walleye. I felt out of sorts since I had not been on the water since the last week of July where I had been fishing over in Huron, and just hoped I could mark something on the H'Birds.
Well, the walleye marks weren't there, so we headed to a perch spot out that way, and managed to pick at them until we had 65 perch (went 22 pounds), and that bite died. Then, we decided to try our hand at walleye fishing.
While Adam is an angler who fishes the co angler side of the FLW, his brother and Dad had never fished with Off Shore planer boards before. So, after a quick lesson we were fishing. We had a double on and both came off...we had another double on and got those two in the boat. One was an eater and the other was a Fish-O (28 1/2"). We caught one more, and then I was called on the radio to go over by Mike Johnson who runs Reel Sport Fishing Charters (his spot, so I can reveal it without his permission, but if you were on the water today you would have heard it on the radio). We caught one more over there, and that was it before their trip ended.
We caught one real nice smallmouth bass on Gull, and a bunch of huge sheephead too.
Sorry this is so short, but it's been a long day and the dogs are busting my chops to go for their walk!
I'll be out again tomorrow with the same crew, so stay tuned!
Capt Juls
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