Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 11/18/19 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Steve and Jeremy Chapman 11/18/19

by Capt Juls on 11/18/19

Last night the winds were calm and the temps were in the 30's. The sky had cloud cover so the lake would be dark, and the fish might not feed as well as they did during the full moon. Today I would be fishing with my regulars, Steve and Jeremy Chapman. I found out while we were fishing, that this was a present from Jeremy, to his Dad, for Steve's Birthday. :)

We were launching out of Mazurik's this morning, because I didn't think Huron would clean up enough overnight last night. 

I had gotten a call from Capt Eric Litton this morning with some info. Now, understand, I would tell you the location if it was mine to give...especially, since it's November and there aren't that many boaters out there as in comparison to the seasonal months with charters. So, helping you is what I like to do. But, I'm not going to give someone else's info to you, since it's not mine to give. Sorry!

I can tell you we started in 41 feet of water and made an easterly trolling pass. With the "Baby ETEC" and the Ulterra working together to keep us on course at 1.6-1.9 mph, we got busy setting lines.

We ran Bandits 90-120 back. Chrome Bandits ran on the starboard side and White bodied baits ran on the port side. "Anger Management", 'IB Frozen', and 'Buck Fever are the chromes and Red Headed Wonderbread, Fruit Dots, and RC Crush were the whites.

We only had 5 of the 6 Off Shore boards out when the first board went back with a tug and some wiggles. Anger Management at 120 back was the first to take a fish. While Jeremy was reeling in that one, the middle board not he port side went back (RC Crush at 100 back) "Get that fish Papa", I said pointing to the port side. Then, the fire drill began. Another board was going back (IB Frozen at 110 back). We netted Jeremy's fish...and, then, he picked up the rod with the third fish on and started reeling (That one was the Buck Fever at 100 back). Steve's fish came in and then another board went back (the Fruit Dots Bandit at 110 back).

We had one board in the water, but soon, it too would go back and we now had 5 fish in the boat and no rods in the water. We never could get 6 rods out and most times it was only 3 before we got busy again. We caught our 3 person limit in approximately an hour and half, and had also thrown back 3 18" walleye, so they could get bigger.

Steve had great weather, great fishing, great catching and a lot of laughs for his birthday, and said it was one of the best days on the lake, and that makes me happy! :)

Tomorrow and Wednesday look really good for fishing, but I'm not booked for either day, so I don't think I'll be out.  My next scheduled trip is Saturday.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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