Fishing with Steve and Jeremy 8/30/16 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Steve and Jeremy 8/30/16

by Capt Juls on 08/31/16

Steve and Jeremy drove up from Columbus yesterday morning to try a little of that walleye fishing I had done this past Saturday (see previous blog). We met at Mazurik's at 7am and headed east to where my friend and I were fishing Saturday.

We ran crawlers again, but the crawlers were getting stolen from the hooks by annoying little 6-8 inch white perch before the Off Shore boards could get to their marching positions out to the sides of the boat. 

We only caught one 18" walleye this time, and I suggested that we consider going perch fishing. They were game for that, so we headed up between the islands, to the spot that I gave you clues about in a previous blog.  Again, the numbers are there for you to view, but you have to find them first. lol

We caught our 90 perch in about 2 hours time, since they were coming up two at a time quite often. At around 10:45 I received a call from a  young fella from MN that asked if would be able to get him and his girlfriend out on the water, because the walleye charter he scheduled had cancelled on him for some reason.  I told him that the perch were biting, and if he wanted to go perch fishing that he should meet me at Mazurik's at 1pm.  That would give me time to take Steve and Jeremy's perch to the cleaners for them, grab some lunch, and get back to the ramp.  

Fishing with Steve and Jeremy is always a good time, and yesterday was no exception. I had a blast, and they had fun too, and that's all that matters....the fish are just a bonus to a good time on the water!

I don't normally do two trips in one day, but since it was just perch, I took Jerod and his girlfriend Kelly out at 1pm to the same spot I had the guys earlier.  The bite was a little slower, but they were able to catch their limit without my help. I had caught my limit with Steve and Jeremy, so legally, I couldn't fish. Besides that, I wanted them to enjoy catching their own limit. I think if I had helped, we would have been done way to fast. lol

They had a good time, and were very happy to be taking their catch home to throw a big fish fry for family that had gathered in Toledo for Kelly's sister's wedding next weekend. :)

It was a long day for me yesterday, but it was a good and productive day.

I'm headed out this morning for some walleye fishing out of Huron, which was a last minute schedule.

So...stay tuned!

Capt Juls

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