Fishing with Rob and Noel 6/30/2022
by Capt Juls on 06/30/22This morning, I had a birthday girl, Noel, and her boyfriend (fiancé?), Rob, out for a dipsey learning trip. Rob had bought the dipsies, but needed some instruction on how to properly run them, so he wouldn't tangle everything up on his own boat.
Granted, dipsies can look intimidating, but they are the easiest thing in the world to run, and catch fish with, when run properly.
This morning started early. I told them I would pick them up at the White Caps Motel at 4:20, but I showed up at 7 minutes after, and there they were...ready to go! So, we left earlier than usual, and hit the gas station for the usual...topping off the gas tank, and getting ice for the coolers.
We hit Huron at 4:45. Capt Bobby Greene showed up around the same time, so I chatted with him for a bit before heading out at 5am. It was dark, but the horizon was starting to lighten up, so we could see if there were any obstacles in the river on our way out. It was pretty clean this morning, for a change, so we didn't have to dodge any debris.
We headed ENE and when we hit 38 feet of water, I shut the big motor down, and deployed the Ulterra and the baby Merc, and set a course in the same direction, at a speed of 2.5mph.
I showed them how dipsies work, and then showed them how to set them. I run two dipsies off of each corner, and call them the "inside rod" and the "outside rod". The inside rod is a 6' medium action and the outside rod is an 8'3" rod. This gives the two plenty of space between them, to help eliminate tangles when setting them out. The inside rods were running on the zero setting and the outside rods were running on the two setting.
The zero settings started at 30 and 35 back, and the two settings were running at 40 and 50 back.
Scorpion Stinger Spoons and Yeck spoons were attached. The color spectrum on the spoons was all different, and it didn't seem to make a difference.
The catching started right away, and it was a 3:1 ratio of short fish to keeper fish, so by the time we had 18 in the live well, we had surpassed 40 fish. I didn't keep count of all the fish we caught, but 3:1 sounds about right, if I have to guess. :)
Noel has only fished two times prior to this trip, and picked up on the fishing lingo pretty quick. She did a fantastic job on her side of the boat, and Rob, who has his own boat, and goes a few times a year, knew more than Noel, also did a fantastic job, this morning. He had bought some dipsies, but never used them, so this trip was to learn how to run them. I have no doubt, that after this morning's trip, that they can go out in their own boat and run dipsies with confidence now.
One keeper fish got to live another day... when I went to measure it (didn't really need to, since I knew it was over 15 1/2 inches, but I did anyway), and it flopped and slid down the splash well, and into the motor bracket, to escape. It was too slippery for me to get him by the tail as it flailed in the bracket for a few seconds. Lucky fish! They didn't seem to mind too much, since it was a fast bite, and it wouldn't take long to get another one. Needless to say, I moved the measure to the side of the boat, instead of the back of the boat. lol
When we hit their limit, and I announced we were in the bonus round (meaning my fish limit), I asked, "Remember when we were driving over here, and you two were talking about how you hoped you caught some fish today? You didn't hear me, because I was quietly giggling to myself". They laughed, and Noel said, "I can't believe this! This is great!" Rob agreed.
We stopped for breakfast on the way home, and while we were waiting on our meals, Rob mentioned that his uncle has a charter, and I casually said, "Oh yeah? Who's your uncle?"....(figuring it would be someone I don't know).... He replied, "TKO Charters". I looked at him wide-eyed and said, "Todd Kerr is your uncle? I know him! He's a great Capt...why didn't you go out with him?" He said, "He runs big boards, and a big boat (need more people), and I wanted to learn how to run dipsies. And, I've been reading your reports for years on, and really wanted to go out with you". I smiled and said, "Thank you, but he's really good, ya know!" He smiled, and said that he would go with him someday, too. :)
They both had a great time, learned what they needed to learn, and took home a bunch of fish for a family fish fry, when Noel has her house-warming party next month. She just bought a beautiful home in MI, with a property/garden, anyone would be envious of.
I'll be off until later next week. I have to go to Wisconsin for my Dad's Memorial Service, and my Mom and sister's birthdays.
So, since I'll be gone, you're all probably guaranteed beautiful weather until I get back. You're welcome. ;)
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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