Fishing with Rich, Andy, and Jeff 6/14/15
by Capt Juls on 06/14/15I thought we would be dodging thunderstorms all day, but we made out pretty well, I think.
I picked my guys up at their hotel at 5:15, and after stopping to gas up the Ranger, and getting ice for the coolers, we stopped to get some breakfast. There was a storm coming across the radar that showed lightning, so I wanted to wait a bit before heading out.
Jeff bought us all breakfast at Big Bopper's. I had their cinnamon french toast for the first time, and it was heavenly. Yum! Anyway....I digress, when food takes over my brain...sorry!
We launched at Mazurik's at 6:30 and again headed over to Gull Island to troll spinners. We started with the same program as yesterday, and it wasn't long before we started pulling fish again. We made a few passes there, then over on Kelly's Shoal, and then back to Gull.
At 12:30 we had 9 fish (1/2 their limit). I wondered what might be over on the SE corner of Kelly's, because I hadn't been over there yet. This time of year is typically good, so they indulged me, and let me take them over there.
When we arrived, the Onix was marking a lot of fish that looked like walleye. There were a lot of "perchy" marks on the screen too. (I marked those for future references...wink wink!)
We made one pass and caught 4 eyes and a couple of big sheephead.
The program was a little deeper today. #2 Tadpoles 35-60 back and the bottom bouncer took a few nice fish too.
We finished a 1/2 hour early today, because my kicker motor wouldn't go into gear for some reason unbeknownst to me, and my Ulterra beeped at me, so I'm guessing it was telling me it was getting low on battery power, so I didn't want to have it in the deployed position when they finally gave out. If that happens, then you have to stow it manually, and it's more involved that just pulling it up out of the water.
There were also some small thunderstorms passing through, and the winds were picking up, so we just called it a day.
They said they had a great time, and learned a lot. It was the first time walleye fishing for Andy and Richard, and they did most of the work. Jeff, who is a seasoned walleye angler, from MI, brought them down here to fish today. He netted fish for them, and basically kept us entertained for the day.
They have already reserved a date in April, and will be back for some early spring walleye fishing.....and, that makes me happy. :)
Tomorrow and Tuesday's trip are return customers who had booked a three day trip in April, but only got one day in due to weather, so they rescheduled the other two days for this week. More scattered thunderstorms are predicted, but I'm hoping they are afternoon happenings. We'll see....I'm thinking either we'll hit the SE corner of Kelly's again, or we might drive on over to Huron to see what's happening over there. I haven't heard anything from over there in quite a while. So....
Stay tuned!
Capt Juls
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