Fishing with Pete 11/9/2021
by Capt Juls on 11/09/21Pete showed up at Mazurik's all alone, so it would just be him and me this morning.
He showed up at the park a 1/2 hour early, so we were able to get on the water just as the sky was beginning to lighten. It was still dark enough to need the navigation lights on, but because the sky was mostly clear, it didn't take much sun power from the horizon, to light the sky up pretty quickly. The air temp was a crisp 43 degrees at 6:30.
We set up where I ended yesterday. The Ulterra and baby 15 were deployed, and set for a speed of 2.2mph, and running a SE to NW line. We were fishing over 34 feet of water, with Bandits running only 35-45 feet back behind Off Shore boards. Bait colors with white in them did best for us yesterday, so I just kept those bait colors on each of our 6 rods this morning.
Pete already knows how to run boards pretty proficiently, so I just told him the leads I wanted on the port side, and he got busy setting lines. Both sides started with 45 on the outside board, 40 in the middle, and 35 on the inside board.
As we were both setting out our first baits to 45 back, a fish hit mine as soon as I stopped the line from going out, and it started to dive. That fish must have been sitting on the surface to have hit that high in the water column., that I'm sitting here, and that thought just crossed my mind, I could kick myself....I should have caught that thought out there on the water. I should have tried one side "nose bleed high", to see if that was the case. I didn't target the top 5 feet of the water column after that happened, and I probably should have. But, it's easy to see now, in hindsight, but at the moment, I missed it. Lesson learned.....I'll remember that next time it happens. :)
We got the rest of the baits out and proceeded to catch 4 or 5 more nice eaters in that area. Since Pete was fishing alone today, I thought I would waste some time and drive to the north side of Kelly's to check up there. I thought to myself, "If we don't get any up there within an hour, then we can always move back down here". But, we never had to move again, because we found some up there. Same leads, and a steady pick. We had three on at one time, but while Pete reeled in one, it got off, so he grabbed the next rod, and he got that one in. The third one managed an escape and lives to see another day. Lucky fish. ;)
We had our 12 fish by 9:45, even with a leisurely drive to the north side of Kelly's earlier in the morning. So, it was a relaxing and fun morning fishing with Pete. The lake was flat, and the winds were was a grand morning! He said he would like to come and fish with me again, and wanted to bring his son, who is an avid bass angler, competing on a college bass team, so that makes me happy!
I'm off for the next 5 days, and then I have a three day trip scheduled with a couple of my regulars from Wisconsin. But, we'll see what the weather has in its forecast for next week, as it gets closer.
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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