Fishing with Karl, Mickey, and Paul : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Karl, Mickey, and Paul

by Capt Juls on 08/17/17

I met my crew Tuesday morning at Mazurik's boat ramp at 7am, and headed out for a morning of perch fishing.

I had been on a fly in pike fishing trip up in northern Ontario the week before, so I was going on some numbers a friend gave me. Unfortunately, when he texted the numbers he punched the wrong numbers and didn't proof read it, so I went about 4 miles out of my way, only to be called back to the right spot. Uffda!

We started picking at a few perch, but it was a slow bite, so I decided to go looking for a better spot. There was a large pack of boats on the first spot too, and anyone that knows me, knows I don't really like to fish in a pack....but, will sometimes.  I prefer to go look for my own fish.  Or, work with one of the handful of captains I've worked with for years.  

We found perchy looking marks with the Helix Mega Imaging in several spots, but the bite was a light one, and the fish that were being caught were barely hooked. I think I lost as many as I caught, if not more, on the way up, due to that.  However, we did end the trip in the early afternoon with 63 nice fat perch for them to take home, so it wasn't a totally slow day. The last spot was the best one, with the best marks and a more aggressive bite.

That's about all I'm going to give up on the subject, because the first spot was not mine to give out, and the rest I'm more likely to keep quiet on, so as not to get a ton of boats on top of us.  Maybe later on in the season when it's a better bite for everyone....just not now.  

You need to use your electronics, and trust what it's telling you. Then, stop and fish. If they don't bite within 20 minutes....move. Keep moving until you find the right school of biting perch. That's all there is too it. There are no secret spots, or anything else...just move until you find them. They are all over the place in the Western Basin right now.

Yeah, it would be great if we all had the right info, and could just go to the very first spot out there, and catch our limits...but, it usually doesn't work that way for the most part. It's not a grocery store out there. Sometimes, you just have to work for them, and use a little extra gas. :)

Had two days off due to customers rescheduling...and, we'll be back out perching in the morning. 

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Comments (2)

1. Karl said on 8/21/17 - 06:50PM
Juls, Just wanted to post a huge thank you to you. I took my Brother and 10 year old nephew, both newbies to fishing, for a day of perching. The bite was tough but you continued to move, doing what we had to do, to try and find feeding perch. As you noted the bite was very light and all of the missed bites were beginning to take a toll on an anxious 10 year old. In the moment the frustrations of a youngster can be difficult but always the professional you kept at it. All the same, exposing a youngster to many of the life lessons commonly associated with fishing. After the experience he'd come to realize many of these lessons as we replayed the day at the evening campfire with a strong desire to get out and try it again. Even the next day with even smaller numbers I think the seed has been planted and nourished. Thank you Juls. A couple days later at the cleaner Paul was fired up again the instant he tried to lift the bag from the counter. It's been 6 days now and he's still talking about fishing with you and how he loved it. As a fellow fisherman I truly appreciate your efforts knowing that guiding and simply fishing are often two very different things and again I appreciate the effort you gave. As usual I can't recommend you highly enough as a guide.
2. Capt Juls said on 8/21/17 - 07:24PM
Thank you so much for the kind words Karl! I'm so happy to hear that Paul had a good's hard to tell with boys his age wink wink :)

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