Fishing with Jim, Doug, and Chuck 3/19/2020
by Capt Juls on 03/19/20I left the house this morning at 6:30 and headed straight for Catawba Park. I was meeting Jim, Chuck, and Doug there at 7:30. I figured I could wipe the dirty spray off the boat, before they got there. The roads were wet from all the rain we had last night.
The morning was quiet, there was no wind, and it was foggy. The visibility was maybe 1/2 mile. The air temp was around 37 degrees. The parking lot was bustling with anglers walking back and forth from their trucks to the boats, getting ready to launch. It's kind of weird talking to people right now, since we have "rules of engagement" that need to be followed...but, so it goes, eh? Whattaya gonna do? All we can do is wash our hands and avoid getting it the best we can. Good luck to everyone! :)
After the G2 warmed up to temp we headed NW of the launch to the cans. I had prefished there the day before with Capt Jen, and did well, so I thought we would start there. Well, we didn't stay there long...we only went 5 for 7 in the first pass, which seemed too long. There were a lot more patches of blank screen on the Helix than there was with fish on it. So, it was time to move.
We headed over towards G and H cans and set up in 23' of water. Bandits were run 35/45/55/and 65 back and at one point or another they all caught fish. White bodied baits (RC Crush was our hot color today) along with Khaki, Humblebee, Purple Tiger, and Pooh Bear Chartreuse (another hot color today). Speed was 1.4-1.6mph
We caught our 24 and had several "hit and runs" that took the board back, but popped off a short time later.
The water temp got up to 40.0 degrees at 1:30 today, so that's a good sign that Spring is here. Woot! Woot!
The crew did a great job and learned a few things to take to use on Jim's boat when they are fishing together. Mission accomplished, so that makes me happy. :)
I am not fishing tomorrow. I won't be back out until Monday.
Stay tuned...
Capt Juls
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