Fishing with Jim, Brad, and Trent 5/4/15 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Jim, Brad, and Trent 5/4/15

by Capt Juls on 05/05/15

Blog is a day late again....sorry!  But, I had to clean the boat, clean my pig sty of a house, entertain the dogs, buy some garden plants and plant them, and start my seedlings in the house yesterday.

There wasn't much to talk about fishing wise other than I had a great time in the boat with these Minnesota men yesterday.

They had brought their boat down and will be fishing all week. The fishing was tough for us again, and we only caught two nice fish. I wasn't marking much in any of the spots we hit, so that kept me moving around to find other spots. When you don't have all day to find them and fish for them, it makes it a little harder....sigh.

We hit the west side of North Bass were belly to the bottom on the Onix screen. We had crawlers out from the top of the water column to about 20 feet in the water column...nada. Then, we moved to the west side of Gull Island Shoal and made a pass to the Canadian line and picked up the first fish on a Perfect 10 at 30/30, so we took off the crawlers on the other side of the boat and had 4 P-10s out, one Bandit, and one Reef Runner.

When we hit the line, we moved it back down a little further south of Gull and closer to Gull....we caught one more fish on the side of Gull, but that was it for that pass.  After talking with another Captain that was fishing the same line behind me, we thought it was a good move to move over to the Mouse Island / Starve Island area and give it a, we moved.

The wind was picking up and was much stronger than the winds that were forecast, so we made one pass there with one pull back, and one white bass.
I didn't like the line I was taking, and we decided to move to the lighthouse area where it was a little more protected, and finished out the last hour there.
We had three white bass there, and two pull backs that sunk the boards, but they came off before they got to the boat.

So, you can see why I wasn't in a hurry to report this one. lol

The guys were fun...especially Trent...who is a very funny guy. "Funny" in the sense that he's got the quickest one liners of anyone I have ever met. Thanks to him, it made what would have been a torturous 6 hours for me very entertaining. Thanks Trent!!

They took me to lunch, and then we said our goodbyes. I told them to keep in touch this week and if I got anything going, I would let them know.  I hope the bite picks up now that this full moon phase is on the backside. I think the fish were feeding at night, because of the clear skies and bright moon, and causing the morning bite to be pretty poor, and why we were seeing the fish sucked belly to the bottom.

Anyway, my next crew will be with me for the next four days. I fished with them last year, and I know it's going to be a fun week with them in the

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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