Fishing with Doug and Ethan 10/17/2020
by Capt Juls on 10/17/20Ethan and his father Doug drove in from Dover, OH last night and stayed here in town. I picked them up, because we were going to launch over in Huron, and it was just easier than trying to tell them where to meet me. We all wore our masks during the drive, since we were in an enclosed truck cab, and maintained our social distance.
We stopped to fill up the truck and boat with gas, grabbed some ice, and headed on over to Huron at 6:15.
We pulled into the Huron ramp to find that some of the NWT Pros were already launching in the dark, probably to get those coveted spots at the courtesy dock, so we got ready and launched too. Seeing how it was going to get very busy there, we launched in the dark and took our time going out. We wouldn't even be able to see the Off Shore boards out there for another 1/2 hour anyway.
I idled out to the lighthouse and took a hard left, to head over to the Sawmill Creek humps at a whopping speed of 8mph. lol
By the time we got there, it would be light enough to see the boards, so we set up.
We put the Bandits out behind the boards at 40-60 back. Nothing was happening, so we kept one side high and readjusted the other side to run low with 2oz snap weights after we got to deeper water. We were targeting 24-30' deep on the weighted side and 11, 13, and 15 feet on the shallow side. (See the Precision Trolling Data for the 50/2oz target depth leads.)
With the gusty SW wind this morning, we started inside and worked our way out to deeper water. As we got to the deeper water, we pulled the rest of the high baits and reset them with 3oz snap weights, so the 2oz's were on one side and the 3oz's were on the other side.
We also ran two size 1 dipsies with the ring on the zero setting at 50-60 back off each corner.
The first bite of the day was a big fish, and it hit on the dipsey with the "Yaleye" "Mooneye Minnow". The same one that caught that 30" walleye a couple weeks ago. Ethan was excited, and reeled it in. However, this time, the big fish was an 8 pound Catfish! Thankfully, they like to eat catfish, so on the ice it went, to do its part in feeding the family. :)
The water temp today was still in that 58 degree range, so it really didn't change much over night last night, even though it was in the low 40's overnight.
I tried different speeds....from 1.5-2.7mph, but mostly ran 1.8-2.0. The surging at times had us running fast and slow all at the same time, but turning the boat to have the waves on the corner helped to keep the speed a little more stable.
The lake at times was 2-4's (inside 5 nautical miles), and sometimes 1' or less. The wind was up and down all morning, so maintaining speed was a constant adjustment.
We changed things up all morning, and could only go 5 for 7 on the Walleye today. It was tough for us, but they said they had fun and learned a lot, and would like to come back and try for some perch sometime....and, you KNOW that makes me happy. :)
I'm off tomorrow, due to another Blow forecast. My two day trip for Sunday and Monday will now become a combo perch and walleye trip on Monday, and possibly Tuesday. But, I think Tuesday is going to be blow day too....sigh. Just took a look at Wednesday's forecast and right now, that's a no go too. It's going change though...I just hope it's for the better. We shall see....
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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