Fishing with Doug and Emily 7/30/2022
by Capt Juls on 08/02/22Sorry, this entry is very late....reason being...I had to detail the boat, because it was being sold the next day, and there was a lot to do!
Emily had bought this trip for her husband Doug's birthday, which was back in June, but the soonest I could get them in was in July, so they picked July 30th, and the weather behaved.
We launched out of Huron that morning, and headed to Vermilion, where I had found a larger grade of fish on the previous trip. Unfortunately, those fish had moved, and all we were catching were junk fish and little buggers.
The winds was wacky that morning, and was coming from two directions....SW and NW at the same time, causing a washing machine effect with the waves.
After snagging something on the bottom near Vermilion, and spooling out the outside dipsey, breaking it off, we picked up and moved from Vermilion, back to the Huron dump area, and set up again with dipsies and Off Shore boards. Of course, we were down to three dipsies, since the one was taken out of action with half the spool of Power Pro gone from the reel.
To make a long story short, we only ended up with 8 keeper walleye, and a shortened day, when Emily and Doug called it, so they could get back home to spend time with their 4 year old, who was hanging out with Grandma for the morning.
It was a pleasant trip, with good company, and while the "fishing" was good, the "catching" was less than spectacular. ;)
The next day, I took the new owner of the Ranger 621 out for a test ride and a little fishing, to show him how everything worked together. We fished for a couple hours north of Kelly's. We were marking fish, but only caught 2 there, before it was time to head in and go to Fisherman's Central to finalize his deal there.
He headed home to MN with the boat, and I'm now boat less until the new Vexus DVX22 shows up in a couple of weeks. The expected ship date is August 11th, so if it ships on that date, it will take two days to get to Ohio, and then, there will be two days of rigging all the stuff sitting here in my fishing room, and then, another day or two of breaking in the 400 Verado, before I can take clients out again.
So, I'm off until then, and wanted you all to know why you won't see any reports for most of the month. :)
I will be doing some perch fishing with friends next week, who are bringing their boat up, to use. I hope the perch are still biting next week, like they are this week!
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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