Fishing with Dick and Brad 6/15/2022 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Dick and Brad 6/15/2022

by Capt Juls on 06/15/22

Left the house at 3:45, because I was meeting my crew across town, at 4:30, and I had to go gas up and get ice first.  They met me at a grocery store parking lot, where we left their truck, and they jumped in mine. We headed to Huron to launch, and hit the water at 5am.  It was dark on the way out, but the clear sky and the "Strawberry Moon" gave the water's surface enough light, so that we could see well enough.

The Huron River is dumping a ton of mud right now, after the big storms that went through the night before. There was a definite mud line a few miles out of the river. There wasn't any mixing water either. It went from chocolate milk to clean, with no in between. There were also some very big logs floating in the river, that needed to be avoided on the way out, as well.

We didn't travel far, and set up with the same dipsey and Bandit program I've been running for a couple of weeks now. Anyone who has been following my reports would probably know it by heart now. lol

Started with two dipsies on each corner. The zero settings at 25 and 27' back, and the two settings started at 35 and 37' back, with spoons.  

Bandits were run behind the Off Shore boards at 60 and 40 back on the port side, and 55 and 35 back on the starboard side.
Colors were:
Carrot Top (2) 
Blue Chrome
Big Bad Bob

Speed was 2.5-2.7mph

We managed our 18 keepers out of around 40+ fish caught this morning, and headed in, before it got too hot out.  Even though, it's much nicer on the water during these hot and muggy's best not to spend too much time out there when it's like this.

Dick and Brad fish together, here on Lake Erie, and just go with me to learn stuff. They said they learned a lot, and had a great time, and that makes me happy!

I'll be back out on Friday, if the winds allow.  

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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