Fishing with Dick and Brad 5/20/2021 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Dick and Brad 5/20/2021

by Capt Juls on 05/20/21

I had an unexpected day off yesterday, when my customer forgot that he had a trip scheduled for the 19th, so I rescheduled him to August instead.

Left  the house at 4:20, because I was meeting Dick and Brad at Mazurik's at 5:30, and I wanted time to go gas up the boat, ice up the cooler, and get over to the launch to get things ready before the crew showed up. They showed up around 5:15, so we were on our way by 5:25.

The sky was partly cloudy, so there was some light on the dark horizon illuminating the water as we drove out, so it wasn't as dark as it is on a fully cloudy morning.  There must have been a ENE wind last night, because the little residual rollers were still coming in at 5:30. We took our time, and were setting lines by 5:45.

All 8 lines ran Flicker Minnow #11s behind Off Shore boards at a speed of 1.8-2.0mph.   I'm sorry, but that's all I can report on it this time.  It's a small area and I have a few captain friends working it too. It can't take the pressure, so I'm not giving any info on this spot. So sorry...:(

It was all over so fast....They were game for breakfast, so we got off the water.

Dick and Brad had a great time, and Dick learned how to use the Off Shores in no time at all..(he owns a boat).  Brad laughed and said, "This is great! When we usually go, we only catch one, or maybe two...all day long". I just smiled...:)

Tomorrow, I have a young father, who is bringing his 10 year old son, and his 8 year old daughter. I might have to run fewer lines tomorrow, just to keep it easier for him. Jake is going to have his hands full, I think. lol

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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