Fishing with DeAnn and Carol 5/3/17
by Capt Juls on 05/03/17Today I fished with DeAnn Herting and her friend Carol. DeAnn and her husband Bob fished with me last year on this day, but this year, they came out with their friends, Max and Carol, too.
I took the ladies, while Capt Kevin took the guys. We had a friendly little competition going between the guys and the girls, for the bragging rights that would be enjoyed on their ride home.
They had booked 4 days with Kevin, and one day with me, because I was already booked. However, today was the only day, of those four, that would allow them to get out on the water.
It was still a little windy early on this morning, so we waited to launch at 11am. They were staying in a condo close to Kevin, so they just rode with him to Mazurik's, and I met them there.
Thankfully, it was later, because it gave me a chance to get the grass cut before the next three days flood the area with another 2-4 inches of rain....ugh.
Anyway, the ladies and I started out at the stone dock on Kelly's (NW corner for those that might not know what the "stone dock" is.) The word on the radio was that it was a very tough bite and a lot of people were struggling. The water there was a little murkier than I liked, but it was still fishable. The water temp was 56.7 degrees
I told DeAnn and Carol, "Keep you expectations low, because it will be a lot more fun when we do catch a fish". They laughed, and agreed.
After one pass, a turn, and another 1/2 of a pass....we watched an Off Shore board go shooting back...."Fish On!" Woot! Woot! While Carol reeled that fish in, I looked over and the middle board on the port side was going back too. DeAnn grabbed that rod and started reeling her fish in.
Carol's fish turned out to be a big Sheepshead, and DeAnn's fish was a 5-6 pound walleye, caught on a Blue/Chrome Bandit at 100 back at 1.7-1.8mph.
We finished out that pass, and I had them reel everything in, so we could head north to Lucy's Point. The water looked cleaner to the north, and I felt our chances of catching were better in cleaner water.
The really clean water between Kelly's and Lucy's was colder than the dirtier water around it. The clean water was only 49.7 degrees, and the stained water at Lucy's was holding at 57.4 degrees.
To make a long story short, we would end up catching a total of 7 walleye in the box, 1 throw back, 1 that got off, a Sheep, and 3 white bass. All fish were caught on the Blue/Chrome Bandit at 100 back.
We started out with 6 different colors on, but by the third fish we switched out 5 baits, so I could run all Blue Chromes, and leave the 6th one to experiment with.
The ladies won the bragging rights for the day, so they were pretty happy....and, that made me happy. :)
My trips for the next two days are rescheduled to next April, and my Saturday trip is still watching the forecast for one more day, before making any decision on that trip.
So, until Mother Nature gets over this hissy fit she's throwing right now, we'll just have to be patient. We'll have to just wait for some nice warm stable weather.
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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