Fishing with Dan, Matt, and Gary 6/9/2020 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Dan, Matt, and Gary 6/9/2020

by Capt Juls on 06/09/20

I left the house at 4:20 to go gas up the Ranger and get some ice for the fish cooler, before heading to Mazurik's to get some re-rigging of rods done before my crew showed up.

I pulled six rods out of the rod locker and proceeded to snip the snap off and re-tie them on...after pulling about 10 feet of line off. (That reminds me, I need to order a new clip-on hat LED light's hard to tie knots in the dark). ;)

My crew showed up 15 minutes early, so I put the navigation light in, and we launched. Heading north, out of the ramp area, we headed for the area up there between South Bass and Kelly's. There have been tons of boats working that area for weeks now, and since we were early, we could make a pass or two before the big charters hit the water. (I would decide where to start once I marked them on the Helix).  

We started in 36-37 feet of water with one Bandit out each side, on the outside boards, at 85 and 75 back. 85 on the port side and 75 on the starboard side. (4) Reef Runner Mag 44's were on the two inside boards on each side... (Blue/Chrome, Black/Gold, Bare Naked Purple Perch, and a Red Headed Wonderbread), run anywhere from 45 to 65 back.

The Ulterra was pointed to the NE, and the baby ETEC pushed from behind to keep us at a speed of 2.2-2.4mph.

We ran three dipsies....two on the starboard side and one on the port side. The Port side was on the three setting and set to 50 back...the spoon was a red headed wonder bread Scorpion Spoon. The inside dipsey on the starboard side was a 1 setting at 33 back and was also a red headed spoon. The outside dipsey was set on the 3 and out 50 also...(that spoon, I changed out quite often until I found what color enticed them more. As it turned was gold and copper today....not silver.)

After putting the 17th fish in the cooler I asked, "Do you want to stay here and catch these fish all morning, or do you want to go over to the east side of Kelly's and see if we can find some bigger fish? I was there yesterday, and we caught some nice fish. We can always come back here if we need to". 

They pulled the lines and we readied the boat for the ride. The lake had only a ripple on it, from a light SE breeze, but it was still "rollin" from the E-NE wind we had yesterday, and last night. I set a speed of 35 and we cruised on over there and set up again in 36-37 feet of water.

We had narrowed our spread down to basically 57 back on the Mags, and took the Bandits off. It was a much slower bite in the second spot, but we did catch some nicer fish there...which made the crew happy. :)

The Helix, didn't show as many fish marks as it did yesterday, so I was anxious to go find another spot with more fish showing on the screen.  We headed to the north side of Kelly's this time, and set up once again. The walleye up there were on the bigger side too, so that was a nice surprise.

We finished out our 4 person limit and then caught a half a dozen more before our time for the morning was up. The guys learned a ton...were doing it all themselves by the end of our 6 hour session, and will be able to do it on their own boat proficiently, and have the confidence to run more than just one or two boards per side. Yay! Job well done, guys! :)

I was supposed to fish with this crew tomorrow and Thursday, but since today opened up, due to a customers health, and tomorrow is supposed to blow, they were able to make it today...thankfully! 

I will look at the forecast in the morning and see what the call is then and text them a "go" or "no go" decision. Now, it's looking like Thursday will be a blow day too, but I'll make that call on Thursday morning since these guys are right down the road from Mazurik's, at "Little Ted's Cottages".

Well, time to go cut the grass again.....stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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