Fishing with Craig and Teddy 6/11/19 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Craig and Teddy 6/11/19

by Capt Juls on 06/11/19

No blog the last three days, because of, I got some much needed sleep and yard work done over the weekend.

This morning, I picked up Craig, who hails from Sioux Falls, SD, and his bro-in-law, Teddy, who hails from Eagle River, WI at their hotel around 4:45. 
They are scheduled for a three-day trip, but it looks like Thursday is going to be a blow day again, so more than likely it will just be today and tomorrow.

We hit Hi-Way Bait on the way to Big Bopper's, because I needed some more Yeck spoons, and they are the only ones that have them right now. After breakfast, we headed to Mazurik's and launched at 6:30. I bet you can guess where I went, eh?  That's right...straight north again, where I have been fishing the past two weeks.

It was the same program as the last two weeks too, and all you have to do is bring up the previous blog to find the details of the program....easy-peasy. :)

We caught our 18 walleye, but it took just a little longer this morning than it did last week.  The water is a little stained, but not bad. The water temp has dropped one degree from last Friday was 65 degrees today. The lake is muddy inside, near the mainland, but it's cleaning up.

After we got our walleye, we went to look for some perch. We found some in the first spot we went to....east of the monument...and picked away at 30 perch. I was happy to see there were some smaller perch being caught in the bunch, and thrown back too. It's always good to see there is a future batch to be caught....if the walleye don't eat them all first.  

One of the walleye in the cooler puked up a smallish perch which was probably a 4-5" fish at one time. It was a little decomposed, so I'm just guessing here.

Tomorrow's forecast is looking good, and we will probably do an 8 hour day, because I'm pretty sure Thursday is going to blow.  Since they drove so far to fish here, we'll put more time in tomorrow, in case they can't get out on Thursday.

Craig and "T-Bear" had a good time today, and are looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. Neither of them has run dipsies or Off Shore boards before, and were quick learners....they did a great job handling it all.  Tomorrow will be much easier for me too, since they know how to do it all now. ;)

Gotta go cut the grass around the puddles.... again...sigh

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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