Fishing with Charlie, Chris, and Matt 6/25/13 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Charlie, Chris, and Matt 6/25/13

by Capt Juls on 06/25/16

Started this morning by missing the last step on my front porch, after turning the porch light off, before heading to the truck. I twisted my foot, and felt a few "pops", where one shouldn't feel pops....and, fell very ungracefully to the driveway....ugh. I laid there saying, "@$#% ME!", and cursed my inability to count to three. The worst part is, I felt for that last step with my foot, but didn't feel it and stepped off. So, it came as quite a surprise when I stumbled.


This day was a Christmas present from Charlie's wife (He's on the right)..Charlie, Matt, and Chris were a ton of fun to fish with today.
They learned to set the Off Shore boards quickly, so I could get off my injured foot.
All three took turns reeling in fish, taking the boards off, and netting fish! They were awesome, for not having a lot of experience. Funny as hell too!
We ended up 13 for 17 on some very good eaters....using Bandits again up in Canada. We used the exact same program as the trip back on the 23rd of this week.
They will be coming back next year too...woot! Woot!

Sorry this is so short, but I need to go ice my foot.

Tomorrow is my first smallmouth bass trip of the season, and I'm looking forward to it, even though I won't get to fish. I'll just drive the boat and let them catch all the fish. :)

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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