Fishing with Chad and Tiffany 6/25/2020 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Chad and Tiffany 6/25/2020

by Capt Juls on 06/25/20

My last two days were "blow days" and my customers rescheduled to the fall, so no report.

This morning, the winds were better. At 5:30 they were light out of the WSW, and waves were 1foot or less (but, were 1-3's the further east we went). 

The air temp was 62 degrees and the sky was clear to partly cloudy, but mostly clear.

We headed NE out of the launch and went up to the Canadian line...set up...and took it East at a speed of 2.2-2.4mph.

If you go east of Kelly's (out about 6-8 miles) watch out of the perch nets...they're all over the place and all the way up to the line.

For those visiting Lake Erie and don't know about the perch nets....Know this: they have to set them running south to north, so the single flag is on the south end of the trap net and the double flag is on the north end.  You can pass below the single or above the double, but it's best not to pass through them, especially if you're trolling! That's an expensive mess you don't want. ;)

What worked for us today were Bandits with a 2oz snap weight at 50/75, and a 3oz weight rigged 30/80 (ie: let 30' of line out...add the snap weight and let another 80' of line out, for a total of 110, and then attach the Off Shore board).

Reef Runner Mag 44 in the Bare Naked Perch at 75 back (unassisted)

Dipsies on the 1 setting at 54 back and the 3 setting at 65 back. Spoon colors were Red Headed Wonder Bread, Blueberry Muffin, and a hammered copper one with one side green with black stripes over the green.

I am fishing with this fun couple again tomorrow. They did a great job today, and picked up the dipsey program pretty quickly for never having run them before. :)

Tomorrow's winds should be lighter than today's, so it's going to be an enjoyable morning!

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

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