Fishing with Casey, Amy, and Molly 4/24/2022 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing with Casey, Amy, and Molly 4/24/2022

by Capt Juls on 04/24/22

Casey, is another customer that has had to reschedule several times, due to weather, so it was nice to be able to get him and his wife Amy, and his daughter Molly out this morning.

I told them to meet me at Mazurik's at 6am. I got there around 5:20, so I had some quiet time to myself and could get things ready for the trip. Pulling rods out of the rod locker, the line was checked on each one, and snaps retied, if needed. I kept all the color selections on from the day before, because they all worked yesterday, so I figured they would work again today. As they say, "If it's not broke, don't fix it". 

Karl and Anthony, my crew from yesterday, showed up in the get ready lane with their boat, so Anthony dumped me in, so I could sit at the courtesy dock while I waited on my crew. They showed up right on time, and we were headed out at 6:15. 

With the wind forecast for today (10-20 w/gusts to 30), and the fact that my crew was under-dressed for the cool morning, and the wet spray I knew we would face, I opted to try a pass from Mouse Island to Scott Point Shoal first. We picked up one little walleye there, and I decided to move, because the top of the shoal was getting more and more drift boats on it, and I didn't want to  get in their way, or get pushed off where I wanted to be....I didn't see a good outcome, so we moved.

We headed to the lighthouse area and made a pass from there, to Kelly's, with two fish to show for it.  Ugh...what to do...what to do? We picked up again, and headed to the monument area. The sun was up, and it was warming up a little, so I figured it wouldn't be too cold for them.  We found some good water color there, and a few fish marks on the Solix, so we set up again. One fish there too....ugh, ugh, ugh!

We picked up and moved again...this time to the north side of Kelly's, to an area I like this time of year. It was there that we found what we were looking for...hungry walleye, and plenty of them. 

Bandits ran on the starboard side, but I changed out the Bandits on the port side, to Spro Madeye 120's this time.   The Spros running behind the Off Shore boards were out 120 (outside board), 97, 77, and 53'.  
The Bandits were out at 80, 70, 60 and 50.
Speed was anywhere from 1.8-2.2mph.
Water temp was 48.7 degrees.

Spro Colors were:
Chrome Perch
(2) RC Crush

Bandit colors were:
Chrome Barbie
(2) Carrot Top

I got the port side set up, and was helping Casey get the Bandit side set up when we hit a triple on the Furmi-Nuff, Carrot top, Marvin, and RC Crush...(leads were 97, 80, 53, and 50).  A little chaos got them excited, and a little less  

We would work that area for the rest of their time, and put a total of 17 fish in the cooler, for their next fish fry. We had two pullbacks that didn't stay on, but the rest made it to the boat, and were hooked pretty well, so they were hungry.

My crew had a good time today, and went home happy, and that makes me happy! Casey said he would like to book another trip, and said, "Just let me know when you need a day off, and I'll schedule my day"....(that means, it's going to blow! Ha!)

Tomorrow, I have a crew that has been fishing here the past several days with different charter captains...all friends of mine, so this should fun. They wanted to fish on different boats and in different areas, so knowing where everyone else was, this will be a new area for them. :)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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