Fishing for "Back to the Wild" Wildlife Rescue 1/15/20 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing for "Back to the Wild" Wildlife Rescue 1/15/20

by Capt Juls on 01/15/20

This morning I drove the jeep over to Jenn's house so we could hook my Ranger up to her Yukon, because I didn't know if the ramps would be icy or not, and she has 4WD. My old Excursion is only 2WD.  

I took the dogs with me, so they could hang out with her two dogs while she and I fished today. We were meeting John Thompson, who drove down from the Detroit area, to fish with us too.

We left Catawba ramp around 8am and headed over towards G Can. Once there, I turned the boat and let the Ulterra troll us back towards Catawba at a whopping 1.3 mph.  The water temp was 34.7 degrees.

We started out with Bandits on one side and P-10's on the other. The Bandits were on the starboard side at 45/55/65 back unassisted behind Off Shore boards. The P-10's were at 30/30 1oz, 30/40 1oz, and 25/25 2oz. The Bandits were catching fish, but the P-10's didn't do anything, so we didn't waste any time changing them out to Bandits too.

Colors that caught fish today were: Buck Fever, Green Flash, Pooh Bear Chartreuse, Red Headed Wonderbread, Huff Daddy Chrome, Fire Tiger, and two I can't remember the names of...and, I'm too tired to go searching for them on the internet. ;)

There was a light fog on the lake, but visibility was pretty good. There was absolutely no wind when we started, and that lasted for about an hour and a half, until a SE wind began to whisper its approach. A 1/2 hour later it was blowing around 10mph...putting a little chop on the water's surface.

The water was muddy inside near the ramp, so I was worried that maybe we launched out of the wrong ramp and should have gone north of Kelly's, but a mile out it was looking very fishable. The water was stained, but I could still see my cavitation plate and prop on the G2. 

The purpose of today's trip was to catch some walleye to take over to the "Back to the Wild" Wildlife Rescue in Castalia, OH to help feed the birds of prey, and other furry critters that like to eat fish.  

We only fished three hours and headed back in with 11 of the 15 walleye we had on today. They were perfect eaters, and the size the Eagles would normally grab with their talons, if they were able to go fishing too.  

After saying thank you and goodbye to John, Jenn and I headed back to her house to take care of the dogs, and change our clothes, before heading over to the rescue center with our catch.

Neither of us had ever been to the center, so it was a real treat to get a tour of the place while someone took the cooler of fish in back to do what they do with them.
They were kind enough to wash out my cooler before putting it back out by the truck for us too! :)

They have a really nice place out there, and are always in need of food, supplies, and monetary donations. They are a non-profit that runs completely on the generosity of good hearted people. The tour was very interesting and informative, and I highly recommend a visit there for anyone that wants to see what they are all about, and how well they take care of the animals. 

Many are rehabilitated and set back out in the wild, while others are injured in some way, and can never be released. One of the 7 Eagles they had was a 28 year old female they've had for 17 years now. She cannot be released back into the wild, because she is blind in both eyes, due to a bout with the West Nile Virus. They nursed her back to health, and now she lives a very peaceful life with the best of care.

We didn't see everything, because we were both starving, and it was getting chilly out, but what we did see was very cool. There were several owls and hawk varieties, a Bob Cat, an Arctic Fox, a Crow, Great Blue Heron, some Ducks, and of course, the Eagles.

They said that they really appreciate getting fresh fish, and that what doesn't get put out right away is put in the freezer for a later use. They ask, however, that if anyone does bring them fish that the fish not be a "bottom feeder".  

So, from now on, I will start keeping those eater sized Sheepshead and White Bass, and take them over to the rescue. Castalia is about 20 minutes from the lake, so it's not a huge inconvenience to drop some fish off for them from time to time. :)

It takes a lot of work, dedicated workers, and money/supplies to run a place like that, so if you find you have an extra dollar you can donate, to help them help the wildlife....please click the donate button below this post to do a good deed. Thank You!!!

The Cleveland Boat and Fishing Show starts tomorrow and runs through Monday the 20th. The weather is turning crappy again, so I don't see any more fishing for me anytime soon, but if it changes...I'll let you know! :)

Stay tuned....

Capt Juls

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