Fishing Day 2 with Bob and Greg 8/24/17 : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing Day 2 with Bob and Greg 8/24/17

by Capt Juls on 08/24/17

The morning was a repeat from the day before with Bob and Greg...picked up bait at Rickard's on the way to Bopper's for breakfast, and then hit Mazurik's to launch. 

It was a north wind today, and picked up as soon as we were on the lake. The waves when we launched were only 2 foot or less, but quickly turned into 2's and 3's with some 4's thrown in for good measure.  We weren't going far this morning though, so it was a non-factor in my opinion, because I knew the Ulterra would hold us in the rougher conditions without any issues. 
Unlike an anchor, where one would need to put out extra rode to keep the bow from taking water over the front, the Ulterra "rides the waves" while keeping the boat on the spot, using "Spot Lock".  It uses 2 GPS's for extra accuracy, and less drifting, too. I just love that machine, and would be lost without it now, that I've grown so dependent on it's functions. 

Anyway....I digress...I do that a lot...sorry. lol

The bite was slow to start, and after only 6 perch in the box in the first 45 minutes, I decided to see if I could spy better marks on the Helix with the Mega Imaging over closer to Kelly's island, so we would be out of the wind more. But, after riding the entire length of the island, on the south side, I didn't mark anything.

There were a bunch of boats over there on the SE side, but I think the first boat went there to be out of the wind, and then a second one did the thing you know there's four boats, and then it turns into a pack. Either they were fishing phantom fish, or my Helix needs adjusting on some settings, because I didn't mark squat over there.

We ended up going right back to our first spot and finishing out their 6 hours right there. Caught a total of 52 perch today.  It was a light bite, and a tricky bite. As I explained to them what was going on down there, Bob was understanding it, and started catching....Greg struggled today and only caught 3 perch. :(

I was surprised to find a bluegill out there too, but there he the end of my line....and, that made me happy! But. I'm sure the little gill was not so happy. :)

I'll be perch fishing again with Benji Reisenbeck and his crew tomorrow.

Stay tuned...

Capt Juls

Comments (2)

1. Golden Bear said on 8/25/17 - 10:46AM
Hey Captain Juls, thanks for sharing your fishing trips on your blog. You mentioned in your blog that it took Bob a little coahcing of Bob to get the hang of the bite. Can you share your tip with the rest of us or are you holding that as a trade secret?? :)
2. Capt Juls said on 8/25/17 - 06:29PM
It's no "trade secret"....and, it changes every time the fish change moods. It was a light bite, and you would barely feel them take the first bait...but, you would, so you leave it there and anticipate the second light hit...then set the hook. Nothing special...just talking it out with them, that's all. :)

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