Fishing 6/16/14 with Kevin, Erich, and Skip...(3 day charter) : Juls WFA Blog
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Fishing 6/16/14 with Kevin, Erich, and Skip...(3 day charter)

by Capt Juls on 06/16/14

Yesterday I fun fished with a friend and we just goofed off for a few hours...I napped on the bow, and when we got off the water we grilled out, so no report from yesterday...(well, I guess this sort of Sorry!

Today was a fun day on the water with a threesome from out of town. Kevin Milliron set this three day charter up, to spend some time with his friends, Erich and Skip, who are brothers.

We got a late start, since they got into town late last night and wanted to sleep in a little bit. I picked them up at their condo at 8:45 am this morning and we stopped for their fishing licenses at Hi Way Bait.  

Launched out of Mazruik's at 9:15 and headed for the NE side of Kelly Island Shoal. I stopped SE of the old international C can and headed for it on a NW troll. 
We ran the usual spinner program that I have been running, and experimented with other depths with a few of the spinners. 
But, wouldn't you know it? 41 back on a 1 oz was the fish catcher again today.  
We did have one bottom bouncer out to keep them honest, and it caught one nice walleye and a few bite offs, along with a couple white perch.

I put a RR 800 out towards the end, when the wind died, and a gigantic sheephead sunk the board on a Grape Ape. 

Then, for some reason for which I can' t explain, we got some tangles that put 3 boards and the bottom bouncer out of commission until I could cut everything off and put new harnesses on. What a  mess. I don't think I've seen tangles I couldn't get out before, but these were doozies and I didn't even want to try!  15 minutes later we had all four rods in the water harm, no foul. :)

We ended the day 4 short of their three man limit, but they were happy and were looking forward to a fresh walleye dinner tonight. Yumm!

The water temp out that way was 68.5 degrees, which is a little cooler than the west side of the islands.  From what I heard on the radio, some did very well getting their limits on the west side, while others struggled badly.

It was a scorcher out there today after the wind disappeared, it was hot, hot, hot, and the black flies were after blood.  I had scrubbed my boat with bleach this morning to ward them off, but a few dropped fish, and fish slime dripping off the net, and our sweaty bodies, made it inevitable that they would find us.

I had bought some spray online that claimed they had the best solution, so I bought it. It smells good, but it doesn't do diddly on these Lake Erie vampires. I then put on some Coppertone Sport 50 (the cream kind) and that stopped them.....for about 1/2 hour. Then, they started eating my flesh again....grrrrr...Ow!!

The only complaint was about the biting flies. We all agreed that after this horribly cold winter we had, none of us were going to complain about being hot. But, I have to admit, getting home and washing the boat again, and then dousing myself with super cold hose water, it was just what the doctor ordered. ;)

The weather forecast for tomorrow is different, depending on where you look. The news forecast is calling for 10-20 out of the SW with gusts to 30mph., which is what I pay most attention to, says less than 15 out of the SSW.  So, to play it safe, I'm headed to Huron with the crew tomorrow. I got a good report from a friend that said they were catching some big ones over there, so we'll give it a try.   That way, if it does get crappy, we can run back in, with a shorter distance to go.

Well, that's all for tonight....time to hit the hay here. 3:30 comes early.
I'm picking them up at 5:15 and hope to launch by 6:30 at the latest.

Stay tuned....:)

Capt Juls

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