Blog Question from Patrick....6/19/17
by Capt Juls on 06/20/17Patrick commented on my blog asking, "Any special strategy fishing during a Mayfly hatch?"
And, the simple answer is, try to find areas where the larvae sheds are not floating in the millions. A bait that has a 2 to 3 inch blob of insect goobers bunched up on the nose of it, will not catch fish!
Just because they are where you WANT to fish, doesn't mean you should fish there. Just keep moving until you find cleaner, (less floating bugs) water.
With that said, it's impossible sometimes to find water clear of the bug carcasses, so with that said, what I like to use during a hatch is a night crawler harness. I make up my own harnesses with root beer and butterscotch colored beads...with a #5 gold hammered colorado or hatchet blade. That harness gets hit 80 percent of the time over the brighter colored beads during a hatch.
My harnesses are built like this: bead combo is 4 root beer beads..1 butterscotch...1 root beer...1 butterscotch...and 1 root beer....a Dutchfork quick change clevis....and, a high quality barrel swivel. (The clevises and barrel swivels can be used over and over again, because they are high quality components).
The clevises can be found at the Fisherman's Wharf here in Port Clinton, or online here....
I don't have a magic cure for catching fish during a bug hatch, but this has worked well for me in the past, and it gives me confidence to go out during a hatch and thinking I can catch some fish. :)
Give it a try and see if it works for you too!
Capt Juls
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