Been a Busy Fall.... : Juls WFA Blog
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Been a Busy Fall....

by Capt Juls on 11/09/17

It's been a while since I blogged anything here....sorry about that.  I've been busy with some projects and made a trip home to Wisconsin to visit family.

One project that I'm happy to have the "fishing room" here in my house. It's where I keep all my gear when my boat is sold every fall, because I don't have a garage. So, instead of having a spare bedroom, I have a "fishing room". lol

It had gotten to the point that I couldn't take two steps into the room without stepping over something, because there wasn't enough storage in there for everything. So, I took everything out....painted the walls, ceiling, and clean it all up, added shelving, and bought and built some storage compartments to go under the shelving along one long wall.  

I left a gap in the lowest shelf, that is 30" off the floor, to add a work station table, so I can do my crawler harness and perch rig building there this winter. :)

It turned out much better than I expected, especially since I didn't think about how I wanted to do it in advance. I just got sick of the mess in there....emptied it, then hit Lowe's the same day, and looked around for what might work, and be easy enough for me to do myself. 

This winter will be nicer with that monkey off my back now. lol

I am also back at the local animal shelter for the next few months.  However, my new 2018 Ranger 621 with the 300 G2 is expected to be finished on December 12th, so I'm hoping it will be here before Christmas, and that we have a mild winter again, so I can get some trips in over January, February, and March.

My regular bookings will start the last week of March.
I only have 4 days open in April right now, so if you're thinking of booking with me in April, I have the following dates open....8th, 25th, 26th, and 27th.

The walleye fishing continues to get better and better as the season progresses. The pier fishing at night has been very successful for many anglers venturing out on the Huron pier, Lakeside Pier, and on walls over in Sandusky Bay. I haven't heard much on the Catawba pier, but that may be due to the work that's being done on the ramps over there right now. I think they will be finished with that on Dec. 4th, or so I was told.

Night fishing from boats is producing quick limits too, when the weather allows anglers to get out. 

So, if you get a chance to go....good luck fishing!

Hopefully, I'll see you out there soon!

Capt Juls

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