April 29th Fishing Report... : Juls WFA Blog
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Juls Walleye Fishing Adventures
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April 29th Fishing Report...

by Capt Juls on 04/29/13

With a little nudge from Gary Zart, I opted to run crawler harnesses today instead of crankbaits. It turned out to be a great decision. :)

I picked up Dan, Eric, and Dan's two Golden Retrievers this morning at 7am from the Holiday Village Resort, and we headed over to the Catawba State Park ramp to launch.

It was warmer than the day before, and the rains had finally stopped, but it was pea soup fog on the lake. No worries though, since we have the latest Humminbird GPS and Sonar technology packed into a 10" screen in my dash. We got up on plane, but took it real slow, because we only had a 1/4 mile visibility (if that).

With the boat headed for Rattlesnake Island, we just chatted a bit and I found out that Eric is a musky fisherman, but had never caught a walleye before. 

As soon as we came off plane, a black bird landed on my Terrova. It was obviously tired and lost, since it was too foggy to see any land, and needed to rest for a bit. I told it that it could have 5 minutes, as I needed my trolling motor to start fishing. Shortly after, it flew off. Unfortunately, I saw one bird dead in the water. The poor thing had run out of gas before it could find one of the islands. :(

The pressure was on now. I had to do everything possible to make sure Dan and Eric could experience Lake Erie when she's in a good mood. I wasn't to be disappointed. She produced in a good way.  

We were running 1 oz inline weights 20-30 back...with 27 being a "magic" number for some reason. That number caught the most fish. Speed was .9-1.0 
The color blade that worked best for us was "Monica" (dark purple with chartreuse dots on the outside and the underside was painted chartreuse. 

Their two man limit was in the boat by 11:20.

Dan asked Eric, "So, do you like walleye fishing now?"  Eric replied, "It's righteous...it's pretty bad ass!". We all laughed and agreed. 

When the fog lifted and we could see the islands we were fishing by, it made their day. Dan and Eric enjoyed themselves immensely and said they would be back for more.

I look forward to fishing with these two gentlemen again. They were a lot of fun, and Dan's dogs were so well behaved, I forgot they were even in the boat! :)

Well, that's all for now. Time to hit the hay and do it again tomorrow. 

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