Day 2 Fishing with Dave and Chris 6/11/2022
by Capt Juls on 06/11/22I woke up this morning, thinking that I woke up before my alarm, but when I looked at the clock, it said 2:53am. It took me a second to realize that I woke up an hour late.
My alarm was silenced by the ringer on my phone being turned down for some reason (I don't remember turning it down for anything), and the snooze kept resetting itself.
Dexter jumped off the bed when I shouted some profanities at my phone, and looked at me like, "What the heck, Mom? Are you psycho?" "Sorry buddy, I woke up late, and now my routine is all screwed up", I said, patting him on the head, as I headed to the kitchen to make my coffee.
It was a rough start, but I managed to leave the house at 4am to head over to the White Caps Motel to pick up Dave and Chris. They were expecting me at 4:30, so I thought I would have time to sit in the parking lot and go down the Tik-Tok rabbit hole for about 20 minutes before they came out, but there they were...standing there in the dark, ready to go again. lol
They jumped in the truck, and off we went. We hit the gas station to fill up the truck and boat, and to grab some ice for the cooler, before heading back over to Huron to launch.
It was still pretty dark when we got to Huron, because the sky was mostly cloudy this morning, so we hit the water at 5:15, and made our way out the channel by 5:30. It was light enough by then to see the surface of the lake, so any floating logs would be noticed before we hit any. The river had a lot of logs floating around early this morning, but we managed to avoid them all.
I was going to try another area over there, but after finding out that they were going to have a long ride home, I asked them, "Should we just go do what we did yesterday, so you can get an early start back to Wisconsin?" They both agreed that that would be best, so that's what we did.
It was the same dipsey program as yesterday...
Dipsies on the zero setting at 25 and 27' back, and the two settings started at 35 and 37' back, but after a half an hour, were dropped to 50 back.
Speed was 2.5-2.8mph.
We added two Off Shore boards on each side, pulling Bandits at 30 to 40 back over 26-28' of water.
Colors that caught were the blue/chrome, Green Lantern, and Carrot Top. The SunSpot didn't catch this morning, which surprised me. It's usually a good producer. The bigger fish came on the crankbaits. I probably should have tried a crank on the dipsies, but we just kept the spoons on, because they were keeping the guys busy. :)
Poor Dave...his side of the boat was not getting as many hits as Chris's side, and he let Chris know he was not happy about that, with all the whining he did.
And, Chris let Dave know that he was not sorry about it. lol
I told them that they were the first ones to claim sides of the boat instead of just taking turns, no matter which side it came on. But, I didn't make them share...if they wanted to claim sides, then so be it.
I did make a turn, and headed back the way we came, so that Dave's side was now on the side that was catching, but that didn't do the trick, and Chris's side was once again the busy side. Oh well...that's just the way it is sometimes.
They had a great time, and did a fine job setting lines, reeling in fish, and netting fish. We all worked as a team, and got the job done by 7:20. Chris said, laughing, "Almost as fast as yesterday, but we finished 5 minutes earlier yesterday". I said, "Well, if you hadn't been dragging that last fish for the past 5 minutes, we would have tied yesterday's clock.". Ha! He agreed.
We finished up and headed in. It was fun going in, with a cooler full of fish, when 25 boats were just heading out of the channel...woot! woot!
The fish were taken over to Port Clinton Fish Co., and I dropped them back off at the White Caps Motel, where we said our goodbyes. I have a feeling those two will be back again in the future, and that makes me happy! :)
Tomorrow, I'm going to go out of Mazurik's and see what we can find over this way. The forecast is calling for SW winds 5-15mph.
Stay tuned....
Capt Juls
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